Webinar Series

Reconciling our history

In this session, you will learn about the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada and how the impact of contact with a new economic worldview affected the roles within Indigenous communities. We will explore wahkotowin or relationships as a foundation to building community and co-operation within communities. When one considers the impact of Indian residential schools on families and communities, there is much to reconcile to work on building a brighter and healthier future for all citizens. By embracing our strong and resilient history, we can work together to build a stronger tomorrow. We can impact change in our families, communities and workplaces by opening our hearts and minds to reconciling our past history.

About Charlotte Ross
I am a registered band member of Montreal Lake Cree Nation in Saskatchewan. I love working with our communities, building capacity, and empowering all people with the true history of our past while working towards a brighter and healthier future. I am a third year Ph.D. student at the University of Victoria specializing in Indigenous Language Revitalization. I am a speaker, reader and writer of the Cree language, Woodland TH-dialect, and have taught university courses using materials written in the Plains Cree Y-dialect. I assist my First Nation with developing Cree language materials along with other fluent speakers and am part of a team that developed and continues to update the Circle of Indigenous Languages website (https://indigenouslanguage.ca/). The website includes categorized recordings and opportunities to connect with language mentors. Over the past three years, I have provided support for 27 Mentor Apprentice Teams across Saskatchewan to work on their language proficiency in Cree and Saulteaux. I have experience as a Board member for the Saskatchewan First Nations Economic Development Network and for the Montreal Lake Business Ventures Inc.

This webinar took place January 27, 2022.